Monday 19 May 2008


“We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy”

Walter Anderson

Monday 5 May 2008

Fighting our Demons

What if I stop growing and learning....

...stop having fun and developing mentally.....

Stagnation is one of the demons I try to fight on a regular basis and that is why I am constantly on the go, looking for new adventures and challenges.

You might ask why such a topic to upload on my blog? Well the Personal Development and Media course that I am currently attending in Prespa, Greece required my team and I to develop a workshop for our fellow participants in the course.

After long discussions that went well into the night, some soul searching and hot topics, we decided to focus on universal theme - Fear. The name we chose for the workshop was "Fighting your Demons".

The result was a very successful and frank discussion. We felt that the workshop would be more effective if the Team shared their own fears as well using a combination of text, images and audio.

This fear may seem irrelevant to some people out there but it is not to me and that is why I chose to share it

Written in Prespa, Greece whilst undergoing Universal Eye Training. May 2008